Wednesday 2 October 2013

Lovers' Lane

Lovers Lane is a route for walkers, cyclists and horse-riders from Kingston to Hooley Hill alongside the River Tame.

Here a cyclist is passing under the M67 motorway bridge.

See the start of the path on Hyde Daily Photo.

A contribution to ABC Wednesday.


  1. Something about water and bridges I always liked

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team.

  2. Looks to be the perfect place for a romantic walk along a river.
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Lovely Lane for Lovers!

    abcw team

  4. I love the Thames Path from Putney to Chiswick, continuing to Richmond where I used to stop...Beautiful shot from the River Tame...with the water reflection...

  5. Nice picture! I like the leading lines and the sense of romance.

  6. Great pic !

    I did answer to your comment on my blog, and I came to report this answer here for your comfort :

    I'm really aware that it is a bit too much, but I really can't change this safety : when I remove the captcha, I have 30 mails of advertising bots per day incoming... Way too much to keep moderation funny. And when I remove the moderation, I have trolls that comment and I have to moderate after the comment publishing (due my other internet activities), which is very annoying, specially considerationg the size of my blog...

    TexWisGirl suggested that I should allow only registred blogger authors on the comment, but I have friends with no blogger nor google profil that come to comment sometimes, so...

    The best solution I have, even if it is not ideal is to keep both captcha and moderation, even if I know it is a but too much.

    Thanks for the concern though ; it is very kind from you.
