Monday, 10 November 2014

Standing, waiting for a train

Whilst improvement work takes place at Hyde Central Station there is nowhere for waiting passengers to sit as the old seats are behind the barriers - see Hyde Daily Photo.

According to Northern Rail they will be refurbishing the rear station wall; resurfacing the station concourse; installing improved lighting; resurfacing and improving and drainage in the car park.

A workman said they will be putting the shelter back when the work is complete.

A contribution to
Rubbish Tuesday;
Our World Tuesday;
Good Fences.


  1. That would do me in...I can't stand for very long. :-) I am guessing most opf the people are on their daily work commute.

  2. I think it will be very nice when completed. Funny how all commuters, no matter where they live, do the same things while waiting for a train. I read, too.

  3. i hope, for the sake of the riders, their construction goes quickly!

  4. It will be good when they get all those fences down and things are finsihed

  5. That must be a bummer to not be able to sit while waiting for the train. Looks like some progress is being made behind those fences.

  6. not many commuters in Auckland. We have too many cars.
