Thursday, 1 January 2015

Best of Hyde Daily Photo 2014 Runner-up: Minerva

Minerva was the runner-up in the Best of Hyde Daily Photo 2014.

The full results with some comments by voters are as follows:

1st 231 votes Autumn Shadows at Pole Bank
Love the light in this one. The graceful steps and walls look really solid. They could only lead to a stately home in England - Fascinating play of light on the walls - Isolation of Autumn - A breath of fresh air. People have worked so hard on this project in 2014 - Pole Bank brings back a lot of happy memories, in the hall meeting a aunt, who lived there. Walking round the gardens and the pond, where the children had good memories.
2nd 132 votes A sideways view of Minerva on Hyde Library
Great shot of this statue, and I love the english blue sky. The unusual angle of this photo really works - it is part of the library which is one of the most beautiful buildings in Hyde. When the library is moved out we don't know what is going to happen to it - Nice to see someone trying a different perspective.
3rd 123 votes Reflections in Gower Hey Wood
A fabulous composition reminiscent of Passchendaele - The emerging light in the mud is a hopeful sign. Maybe the grey sky will brighten - great reflection - I haven't been there for some years but it appears that people have been working on this to improve it.
4th 105 votes Fly on buttercup above dandelion
Great shot, the fly obviously likes having its photo taken ;-) - Pretty yellow blooms! - A fly photo bomb!
5th 102 votes Lifeboats and ice-cream
It shows part of the RNLI charity stall. The local committee raises funds to buy the most modern lifeboats available
6th 99 votes Painted milepost at Swains Valley
One of the most colourful renderings of a National Cycle Network milepost anywhere in the country
7th 81 votes Horses at Jet Amber Fields
I love horses
8th 72 votes January Sunrise
You captured the sky beautifully here - Blackness and the small buildings in distance - We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place
9th 66 votes Maypole Dancing at Gee Cross Fete
I like the social content of the pic - Good sense of movement
10th 54 votes Pulling into Hyde Central Station
The contrast between the peach outfit worn by the lone woman, and a group of grey businessmen creates a tension, and short story in itself.
11th= 42 votes Inside Gee Cross Methodists
The woodwork in there is beautiful - I would love to hear that pipe organ!
11th= 42 votes Hyde Grammar School
Another iconic building in the town with an unknown future as the college is closed and transferred to Ashton - was there from 65-72 - haven't been back since (am now in California) but often think of it ... in good ways and bad :)
To see what other City Daily Photobloggers chose for their Photo of the Year see JANUARY 2015 GALLERY - PHOTO OF THE YEAR.

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