Saturday, 25 July 2015

Encountering Canada Geese

Walking the towpath of the Peak Forest Canal last week I came across a pair of Canadian Geese opposite the old wharfs. As I approached they slipped into the water, one of them giving me a loud hiss as they did so.

I turned to look at them having passed by and one raised itself out of the water and spread its wings.

They then went on to create ripples in the water before regaining the towpath.

A contribution to
Weekend Reflections;
Scenic Weekends;
Saturday Critters;
Camera Critters.


  1. They've got quite a good wingspan!

  2. Extraordinary wingspread. Quite threatening. And these two characters look well fed too.

  3. Lovely reflections in the water and that second shot is fabulous. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. lovely reflection in the canal...and yes those birds can be quite aggressive!

  5. They can be mean birds, great capture of the wingspan. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Well what do you expect when you disturb their peace.

  7. Creative shots ~ favorite is the first one but they are all great!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  8. Lovely photos. Geese can be mean, be careful you don't get pecked.

  9. They are fun geese to watch.

  10. They have plenty of attitude, your 2nd pic captured it well.
