Sunday 6 December 2015

More photos from Flowery Field

As a follow-up to my earler post of 22nd November 2015 here are a couple more photographs taken at the Heritage Open Day in September.

The Remembrance windows in the baptistry were designed by one the church's own members, Vanessa J Rothwell. The window was installed by Mrs Marian Lewis (a former May Queen) in memory of her parents Joseph Rhodes (1885-1959), Chairman of this Church (1949-59) and his wife Emily Rhodes (1883-1969). The work was assisted by a grant from the Foundation for Sport and the Arts.

The organ at Flowery Field Church was built by Thomas Pendlebury of Leigh in 1904. Previously installed at Canal Street Methodist Church in Stalybridge it was reinstalled at Flowery Field in 1958 replacing the original organ by Hill of London. The instrument underwent a programme of restoration and improvement in 1999-2000.

A contribution to Inspired Sundays.


  1. Lovely modern windows with such a beautiful organ.

  2. gorgeous organ. i enjoy the blooms within the stain glass. ( :

  3. This post really touches me. I was a church organist for some years, but I certainly did not have a gorgeous pipe organ like this one to plan on. I know it can really put out the sound. The stained glass is lovely. Such pretty colors.

  4. What a beautiful organ! Restored and improved not that long ago it must be a delight to play (and hear)
    The windows are gorgeous.

  5. Beautiful windows! I love stained glass.

  6. Impressive organ that, well installed in the archway

  7. The organ's impressive indeed... and an unusual way of installing it. The stained glass really stands out.

  8. I like those windows. I bet that organ sounds lovely. Did you hear him play?
