Wednesday, 3 February 2016

D is for Dowson, Revd H.E. (1837-1925)

This bust of Henry Enfield Dowson, minister of Hyde Chapel from 1867, is in Flowery Field Church which has connexions with Hyde Chapel through the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, the East Cheshire Union of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and the Unitarian Christian Association to which they are both affiliated.

For an account of the life of the Revd Dowson see Old Hyde.

This bust of Henry Enfield Dowson is to be found in Hyde Chapel.

See also David Barlow's overview of his life in a YouTube video.

A contribution to ABC Wednesday.


  1. He looks as stern as you'd expect a minister to look.

  2. He does have a stern look about him. It is a lovely bust though.

  3. Pretty bust... looks like he was a resolute person. Good choice for this weeks letter.

    Have a nice abc-day / – week
    ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  4. Although he looks rather formidable, I'm sure he must have been revered to have had a bust made of him. Have a delightful week,

    abcw team

  5. Nice picture & thanks for sharing the information
