Tuesday 23 February 2016

Early Bank, a listed building and The Clarence

On the left is The Clarence, originally The Clarence Hotel and whilst in danger of closing in 2010 it was revived in 2012.

In the middle is #197 Talbot Road. Although it doesn't appear to be named is is Grade II listed and described as early 19th century; Flemish bond brick with coursed rubble rear and slate roof; two storeys; stone plinth and rusticated quoins. The central door has a rusticated surround with keystone.

The adjoining house #199 is a later addition having a name and date stone reading "Early Bank, 1900".

Bower Court at the side leads to St Mary's Church.

A contribution to Our World Tuesday.


  1. I love that pub spent a lot of time in there in the early 70s. Joe Cross was the Landlord back in the day

  2. Interesting architecture
    Have a great day!

  3. Shame to say the pub is a dump now... but the houses are very nice... there's an Early Bank Rd of Matley Lane Gerald, just before the car park entrance to The Rising Moon.

  4. They all sit together very nicely.
