Thursday 26 May 2016

St George's Fenced Off

New high-security fencing has recently been erected around the playground, games area and the garden belonging to St George;s Church of England Primary School. Not only will views such as this in 2010 or earlier such as this in 2009 from Church View be no longer possible. The back gate into the church grounds is now inaccessible. People who used to be able to take a short cut across the churchyard will have to go around the long way.

A contribution to Good Fences.


  1. sad when safety must become priority over beauty and space, but it is our world.

  2. Sad 'sign of the times' but great fence shot!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  3. It's sad in a way but I'm happy that the children are more protected.

  4. Maybe all schools should be like this so that children can be more protected ? Ffs. Never had them when I went there and there's no evidence to say they are needed more these days. It's more for the protection of the school out of hours.
