Sunday, 1 November 2015

Pagans appear to do a moonlight flit

Last month I noticed that next to The Jaipur Indian Restaurant on Market Street (which appears to be under new management) a Pagan bookshop called Gnarled Oak Books had opened up in what had previously been Salon 120 that had been offering Beauty & Body Therapy. It was a few weeks before I got around to taking a photograph of the shop.

When I passed again a few days later the shop was empty and the gates padlocked. They appear to have done a moonlight flit.

Update: I've since been given to understand that they didn't actually do a moonlit flit but had some problems with the landlady and are now seeking new premises.

A contribution to the Ephemeral theme at the City Daily Photo Community.


  1. Sorry to know another bookshop was closed!

  2. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me that a Pagan bookshop had problems with the landlady

  3. I happen to no the couple and the comment of them doing a moon light flit is so wrong

  4. I'm reminded of a pagan curiosities shop in a town here in my province.

  5. Here today, gone tomorrow, literally! ;-)

  6. Good theme day post. I thought it might have been a pop-up shop that is all the rage these days.

  7. UH-OH! I believe there may be an interesting story there. ;)


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